
As a personal search as part of the unseen, invisible that contributes to uniqueness and can unite with transcendental values to become more meaningful, realize the whole soul, seek goals, and understand the spirit as that which gives life to the essence of life.

Have a belief/belief based on experiential that there is a transcendent dimension in life. The belief/belief here is in the form of a traditional/religious perspective on God to a psychological perspective that the transcendent dimension is the natural existence of self-awareness from the realm of the unconscious or the greater self. have a transcendent experience or "peak experience". Individuals see what is seen not only what is seen with the naked eye, but also the world that cannot be seen.

SPIRITUAL DEFORMITY, is a meaning where the human journey in spiritual many experiences lost in the goal. did not find anything that was promised other than just turning the previous state into worthless even though it had to find an identity. SPIRITUAL DEFORMITY is an escalation of thinking in music which was initiated in Blitar City, East Java. not much to offer anything superfluous and useless to brag even if only a little, this is a musical reflection that takes shelter among the blasphemous rain of human malice on the other hand is terrible.
